Gym, Coffee, Hike, Red Rocks…

OK, I’ve been working on this post for days, but stuff just kept coming up. Time flies when you’re having fun 🙂 2 weeks and a couple days in Vegas now and loving it! Met friends from back in the day, found the perfect gym and great coffee places, turned a year older, did a photography meetup, and visited the Red Rocks…

Usually when I move the priorities are to find a gym and great coffee… I tried out a gym called Smash Fitness for a week and it was great. Pointing out my crotch sweat after a workout hahhaaa…

In the end I signed up at LifeTime Fitness. It’s a 3 story gym and they have an indoor and outdoor pool, pickleball, squash, basketball courts, sauna and a multitude of classes. There is a whole relaxation area with massage chairs and the air-leg-things that you can use for free. Oh, they also have a beauty salon, co-working space and a food bar.

As for coffee my favorite places so far is Vesta for working, Mothership at the Summerlin Mall and Yaw. At Yaw I look forward to trying a 4 espresso shot coffee drink and saving up money to buy their “Gesha Clouds” roast – 100gr, $32…

Even though I want to keep running around exploring my new hood, some work needs to be accomplished 🙂

Everyone knows that it’s good to have some balance in your life, so after work comes fiesta 🙂 My birthday was on Friday the 13th. On Thursday I got together with Kayla Paige and Veronica Avluv at Durango Casino & Resort. Later Angel Dark and others joined us. So fun, I’ve known them all since when I lived in LA. They are all cool, fun, and with a great sense of humor. I don’t get along with people who have no humor… Or that don’t understand mine which sometimes is a bit weird hahahaa…

It all started well behaved, but some of us couldn’t keep it together for too long hahhaaaa….

On my actual birthday I didn’t do too much. Chilled with Hunter, ordered French Toast for breakfast, went to the gym and then just watched a bunch of episodes of ‘The Bear’. Hunters favorite spot is close and under my butt!

Hunter actually prefers movies with hot chicks!

On Sunday a friend took me to Red Rocks. WOW! It’s so cool there and it’s a bit outer space-y. There are a lot of different trails out there so will definitely explore the area more!

Every 1st Friday of the month, they have an event in Downtown Vegas with food trucks, street vendors and art stuff. There was a photography meetup happening there at the same time, so I signed up. Met some fun people and the event was pretty cool too…

Here’s you dose of Hunter. The funniest thing is he discovered that in the house across the street, there lives another orange cat. They’ve been eyeballing each other from across the street almost daily. Today, they approached closer to each other. They even sat under the same car, but they haven’t like bumped noses or whatever it is cats do. I hope Ocean (the neighbor cats’ name) and Hunter are going to be buddies 🙂

And here’s a mixed bag of everything else. By the way, I love having a bathtub again!

For my Swedish readers, here are links to a couple of Podcasts and a car interview I did while I was in Sweden 🙂

Brottarbröder –

Bathinas skilda möten –

Martin Björk –

That’s it for now. I have so much more fun stuff coming up. Also I did such a fun shoot on Sunday and it was so hot that I’m still recovering from it hahahaa… Tell you about it on my next post 🙂

OK, go out there and be fabulous because why would you do anything else?

Kisses, Puma

Abisko – Kebnekaise – Nikkaluokta

OK, here is the post about our hike. Writing this and going through the photos again brings back so many fun memories from along the trail. This time we trekked the most northern part of the King’s Trail or Kungsleden as it’s called in Swedish.

We flew up to Kiruna at 8.25 am and it was a short flight.

From the airport we took a taxi to the Abisko Tourist Station where the trail starts. You can obviously hike it the other way around too, but we chose to start in Abisko. We had planned to eat lunch at the Tourist Station, but it was so packed and crowded with people finishing up the weeklong Fjällräven Classic. We bought a couple of sandwiches in the shop and took off…

You start by passing the Canyons which had this super clear turquoise water.

All along the trail there are meditation spots, and this one had a stone with a quote by Dag Hammarskjöld.

The sun came out and we took a short snack break. Our favorite – knäckebröd (crisp bread) with smoked reindeer spread and some salami.

Seeing the mountain cabin after a days hike is always rewarding. Even though it usually looks pretty close, it’s almost always at least an hours hike away.

This cabin had a store and even though they sold a lot of other stuff, they had a whole refrigerator dedicated to beer hahahaaa…

This mountain cabin is called Abiskojaure and us being Finns, we obviously appreciated them having a sauna! Usually the first hour is a mixed hour with men and women, then women, and lastly men. Almost everyone is naked and you chat about your day on the trail and where people are from. A lot of foreigners… They had a sandy beach and it’s perfect to cool off in between! Not a bad backdrop either…

After the sauna and dinner we pretty much crashed in bed. Great first day. First day’s stage Abisko – Abiskojaure, 15km.

Usually my sister and I are the first ones up. We usually awoke between 05.30 and 06.00. We prefer to just have a cup of coffee and then head out.

We usually hiked about 1,5 – 2 hours and then picked a spot to have breakfast at. I usually ate a porridge. You just need to boil water, pour it in the bag, let it sit for 8 min and then enjoy 🙂 It was pretty windy and sometimes a bit of a drizzle so this big boulder offered some shelter.

It was a long stretch in the valley next to this lake. The wind increased so I had to use my scarf as cover.

On this stage there is an option to take a boat on the final stretch. It cuts your hiking 4km shorter. When we reached the boat dock, it started raining pretty hard and about 6 people sat in the boat house waiting to take the boat. We decided that we’re here to hike, so that’s what we’ll do! We did question our decision a couple of times when it poured down and the wind was almost blowing us off the trail.

Here the rain and wind quieted down and we could snap a couple of beach pics hahhaaa…

Finally reached Alesjaure mountain cabin pretty soaked. But all the rooms usually have a furnace so we lit it and warmed up. Also great for drying your clothes.

This place also had a sauna by the lake- yeayyyyy! They had stairs going down to the stream below so you could go take a dip. Here we met a Japanese woman who never took a sauna before. Us Finn’s obviously gave her the run down and I took her skinny dipping in the stream too 🙂

The 2nd day’s stage was between Abiskojaure – Alesjaure, 21km. Pretty beat and hoped for better weather for the next day!

3rd day Alesjaure – Tjäktja – Sälka, 26km, We decided to do 2 stretches on our 3rd day and skip a night stay at Tjäktja. But first, quality coffee from Verve with a candle light 🙂

Beautiful morning to start our 3rd day…

It was a loooong day. We took breaks, snacked and drank coffee and hot chocolate. Finally saw some reindeers too 🙂

We passed the highest spot on Kungsleden – Tjäktjapasset, 1150 meter above sea level. It was a long stretch of stones and rocks and then a climb to get up there. We took a break at a small hut up on the top (if you look closely you can see a tiny hut in the ‘dip’ between the mountains) before hiking down to this valley that was so much prettier and greener…

I’m not going to lie, we were pretty exhausted and very happy when we finally spotted the Sälka mountain cabin!

To our surprise they had a sauna here too so we just threw in our backpacks and hit the sauna. Felt amazing after the long day.

Normally we book a room with 2 bunk beds. It was busy here so we had a bunk bed in a room with 6 bunk beds. Pretty tight, but everyone is respectful of the space, so it wasn’t a problem…

Per usual we enjoyed our coffee in the empty kitchen/common room by ourselves…

Luckily our 4th day was a shorter hike. From Sälka to Singi, 12km.

Beautiful morning and we found a great spot by the water to enjoy our breakfast at.

Even found some Cloudberries. I think I wrote about them before too. They only grow up in the north and are called ‘skogens guld’, the gold of the forest. They are so tasty and the jam made of these is expensive. Later we also found a spot with a lot of blueberries 🙂

Made it to Singi. No sauna here, but a lot of nice people that we met along the trail, so we spent the evening chatting while eating dinner and snacking,

The 5th day was also an easier day from Singi to Kebnekaise, 15km. Started our day with spotting some reindeers. Otherwise it was a pretty cold and foggy day.

We finally came down to a valley and the weather cleared up some. We found a spot and took a snack break. Pretty much had to throw our stuff back in the backpacks because 5 min after the picture was taken it rained. The weather changes fast up there…

The last stretched was mixed with some rain, wind and finally when reaching the Kebnekaise mountain cabin the sun decided to make an appearance.

Kebnekaise mountain cabin is a big place. Understandably since a lot of people come here to climb Kebnekaise. We booked dinner at the restaurant and had some wine and beer. It was a nice treat after eating freeze-dried food for five days 🙂 The risotto was delicious and I think I ate about half of a loaf of bread too hahahaa…

Checked the forecast for the next day. Some days you can’t go to the top of Kebnekaise since the weather is not permitting it. But luckily on that Tuesday when we planned to go up it looked good!

So finally on our 6th day it was time to do Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest mountain. We were ready to head out at 6am. Wanted to have plenty of time. A few others headed out too. Beautiful morning! We opted for the southern peak via the western trail. If you do the northern peak, you needed to do it with a guide.

We had to start taking clothes off and soon as the climb started. It’s “only” 8 km to the top, but it’s almost all uphill you climb on loose rocks and boulders which makes it feel a lot longer.

Up, up and up. A lot of short breaks and pauses. After this mountain there was a steep descent down to ‘Kaffedalen’.

The weather rapidly changed and a thick fog came in. From ‘Kaffedalen’ it started to climb again. This is actually from where you start climbing Kebnekaise. The first mountain and climb is just a taste of what’s to come 🙂 We were so focused on climbing and making it up so we forgot to take pics going up here until we reached the old ‘topp stugan’ or the old safety/summit cabin. You can see how dense the fog was. We decided to pop our Champagne here 🙂

A Finnish lady entered the cabin so we got to chat some Finnish. She said it was another 20-30 min to the top, then another 50m with snow where you needed spikes for your shoes to be able to go. It was foggy up there too and no view she said. We decided this was high enough and started our descend. This was what we saw when we started our return.

But as we got further down it cleared up a bit. This here is ‘Kaffedalen’ and you’re officially down from Kebnekaise. From there you go uphill and it was pretty slow going at this point hahahaa…

But we were in good spirits and took one last break with apple crumble pie and hot chocolate to have energy for the last stretch.

It took us 5h to climb up and 7h to come down and back. It was a hard day and we’re happy we did it! We hit the sauna and showers after and then had dinner before crashing in bed. A tip might be to start the trail the other way around than we did, and be more rested before climbing Kebnekaise.

7th and last day. Hiking to Nikkaluokta, 19km. There was also an option to take a boat on this stretch too that would shorten your hike by 6km. We wanted to enjoy our last day outdoors so we hiked.

Guess how happy we wore when we found out that there was a cafe where the boat picked up and dropped off hikers? We went inside and I had a waffle with whipped cream and cloudberry jam. SOOOOO GOOOOD! The place is called Enoks and they also have reindeer and elk burgers which looked super tasty too.

The last part of the trail was super easy walking. It felt like fall was coming up in the north. It was beautiful and we finally arrived to Nikkaluokta.

From there we took the bus back to Kiruna airport and then a short flight back to Stockholm. I guess I was pretty tired hahahaaa…

A total of 128 km hikes with Kebnekaise included. My backpack weighted 10kg when we started. Most of it was food. The stores at the mountain cabins sell food, but I’m picky and want to eat good, so I brought all my food with me. I will remember this adventure with my sister forever. Thanks for the company and memories sis!

OK, that was that about the hike. And now to Vegas 🙂 I have been here for a week and one day today. Love it here so far. Hopefully I can get a post up during the week about the past week here. Hunter is very happy too 🙂 Met some friendly neighbors and signing up at a gym next week. Tomorrow I’m having coffee with a friend I knew in LA long time ago, but she also lives in Vegas now. Oh, and my birthday is on Friday too wohooo! Oh, I’ve been a week without smoking too 🙂

How was your week? Or/and got something fun happening this upcoming week?

Kisses, Puma

Sweden, Family, Friends, Parties…

Sorry for not being on here for 3 weeks, but Sweden got busy and I thought I’d write it each week, but then 3 weeks flew by…

OK, the biggest thing that happened during that time was the yearly hike up north in Sweden with my sister. We made it up Kebnekaise which is Sweden’s highest mountain. So cool and a bit impressed by us! A separate post about the hike and climb is coming too.

I had to take a look in my calendar to remember everything I did. I landed in Stockholm on a Friday and didn’t get my luggage when I got to Stockholm. No worries, went home and had friends over for dinner and drinks 3h later 🙂 No time to waste… 

On Saturday I didn’t hear anything about my lost luggage and had a dinner and party planned so had to head out to look for an outfit. Like always when you ‘just-have-to’ find something, you find nada! I scrambled an outfit together from my sister’s closet and out we went! These people are no amateur party goers so it was a great (and late) night out 🙂

Got my bag on Sunday and jet lagged some…

During the week I met more friends, family, and recorded some more stuff for an upcoming podcast that me and Cyril recorded while we were shrooming in Jamaica.  For some obvious reasons some stuff we recorded in Jamaica was a bit ‘not clear’ hahhaaaa…

Met with one of Sweden’s most beloved people – Mark Levengood. He always wears great jewelry and bling so we blinged up together. These pieces come from Pearl Octopuss.y and they have such cool pieces!

Also bought all we needed for our hike. Mostly food but also got a mosquito net for my head. Not this one as it felt a bit overkill…

After a week in Stockholm we flew up to Kiruna and hiked for a week. But like I said, more about that in the next post.

No time to rest after the hike. Had lunch with these gorgeous people and talked about maybe doing something fun together in the future. I love meeting creative people and Anna is an amazing photographer and Patricia a casting agent among other things…

Straight from there to record another podcast. After I called a friend and dragged her to one of my favorite cafes in Stockholm – Älskade Traditioner, to finally eat some meatballs. I actually ate meatballs there the next day too because you can’t get enough ‘balls”… On a side note, when my mom was alive, she always made meatballs for me as soon as I got to Sweden.

Also did a health exam in Stockholm at a place called Neko Health Center. It’s some high tech machinery that scans your whole body, other scanners for other parts, measuring different things and a blood test. Long story short, I had ‘optimal’ and ‘great’ values mostly, but obviously was told that I should quit smoking. No shit! (today is my 2nd day without cigarettes).

One of my best friends in Sweden, Linda, decided to put together a delayed 50th birthday celebration. It was held in a double decker where previously some hippies had lived. Such an amazing bus and I could totally see myself drive around in it like the Merry Pranksters in case you are familiar with them 🙂 I even have the acid! It was a 70’s themed party…

The location is a bit on the countryside so one of the guests had pigs in the woods that we went to see…

And Jorgen proudly showed off some creepy faces he bought. Things got weird hahhaaaaa….

Next day it was another of my great friends who threw a 50th birthday celebration. I’ve known Karina for over 30 years and we share a lot of fun and crazy memories together. I hope we will have another 30 years at least to make new memories even though I hope they are a bit more of a mature nature hahahaaa…

I slept over and the next day we had lunch at Elfviks Gård. Such a cool place. Like a farm with some cute stores, animals and a cafe.

From there it was a short drive to Ellery Beach House where we checked in. We did the same thing last year. Heated outdoor pools, saunas, swimming in the ocean and finishing off with a 3-course dinner. There might of been a couple of cocktails and wine too…. And my favorite, breakfast buffet in the morning!

The room was a bit tight and we joked that one could get stuck between the bed and the wall. I shot a little video clip and when I’m going to wiggle myself out of there I somehow fall sideways on the floor. And would’ve been stuck unless Karina hadn’t pulled me up while laughing her ass off! This could’ve resulted in a lawsuit in the US LOL 😉

After checking out we drove to her horse to check on him. Karina and I met when we were hanging at the stables as youngsters. I really love being around horses…

From there we headed into town where I had to find an outfit for the next days’ party which was a restaurant opening for a friend. The theme was pink party. Luckily I have a friend who designs great outfits for events, artists, etc. and he helped me. I like the purple one and had to try it on even though it’s not pink. I ended up with the first dress but asked them to make it shorter and less ladylike hahahaaa…

Got my hair washed and blown out the day of the party.

In Mexico I became friends with a Swedish artist, Sanna Fried and she has moved out of Mexico too and back to Sweden. Took her to my go to cafe in Stockholm – Lisas Grabb. Always get some fat & carbs in you before a party!

The party the next day was so much fun! If you are in Stockholm and need a great place to eat, try Restaurang Art. Cool artsy interior design, great food and drinks.

I had to give-up early since I had an Uber booked for 03.45am the next morning. This was because I decided spontaneously I should live in Las Vegas. Lease signed, virtual tour, and as of yesterday I live in Vegas 🙂 Viva Las Vegas! A friend drove and Hunter was a bit stressed at first, but then chilled the rest of the trip 🙂

I really like our new place. My goal was to find a furnished place with outdoor access for Hunter. Will show some pics later when I manage to put some stuff away 🙂

Now heading to get groceries, then probably a nap and maaaaybe I can unpack 1 suitcase. Just maybe though… Here’s some leftovers from Sweden and a couple of days in Utah before Vegas…

Happy Labor Day tomorrow to all the gringos, and to the rest, enjoy your Monday 🙂

Kisses, Puma

Tired, meetups & picket ball…

I have been so tired and exhausted this week. Not sure if it’s the heat or what? A couple of days I had to take 2 naps to get through the day. And felt like I had no energy at the gym, but tried to get through it anyways. Hopefully it will pass! The good thing is that I’ve been reading a lot. Reading ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ now and it’s very exciting 🙂

On Monday after 2 naps, I felt like I needed to hit the outdoors for bit. Fresh air and nature is a great remedy for everything! Luckily I was the only cougar on the trail and didn’t encounter any rattlesnakes!

Working… As you see I have many talents such as a maid and a handy woman. Or maybe it’s a woman who could come handy?

Sometimes it gets hot so it’s perfect to sneak behind the house and cool off 😉

As I mentioned before, picket ball is my new hobby 🙂 Sometimes I play pretty good and sometimes I just smash it out in the bushes hahhaaa…

Tried to take some fancy pics, but this is how it really looks LMAO!

As I said, there’s been plenty of naps this week and Hunter is my constant nap-buddy!

But we start fresh every morning. Getting some sun rays, me with a coffee and Hunter looking for who knows what….

On Thursday I went to another ‘dinner with strangers’ with Ekam Supper Club. We went to a great restaurant called Urban Hill. I love beef tartare. As a kid I used to eat raw meatballs before my mom had time to put them in the pan hahahaa… And the lobster salad was amazing! Great people at our table and got great recommendations on hiking trails from a girl.

Also my friend’s dad goes to a coffee place early almost every morning here and it’s kind of a meet up with a lot of regulars. I joined him yesterday and it was great fun. Spotted this cool outside too as some people bring their cool cars to show off too…

Other than that it’s been some work at Alpha, my favorite coffee spot here, managed one gym selfie and pretended paparazzi at Whole Foods 🙂

Hopefully my energy is back next week! Also looking to go to Sweden and tonite there’s a BBQ & picket ball at the house. How you feeling about it being August already? Damn, time flies when you’re having fun 🙂 I also feel the need of doing some shrooms to re-calibrate myself and I crave dancing… I hope you are enjoying August and I’ll catch you next week if you are around 🙂

Hugs, Puma

Vegas, Farm Meat, Swedish Candy, New Car…

This week was awesome! On Monday my new friend here went with me to a surgeon to get a second opinion on my eyelids. Seems like a great surgeon, but need to save up some money because they’re expensive out here! The best part is that afterwards she took me to a market that sells European products. Mostly candy. I was in heaven and bought so much salty licorice candy that my stomach’s been in an uproar since then hahhaaaa…

On Tuesday I was up at 5am painting my face and then flew to Vegas. It was so much fun to catch up and shoot with Tyler Faith again. The photographer, Shelby, is also an old timer so we were shooting and laughing at old memories from back in the day!

On Wednesday I went to test drive another Audi and decided this is it. It feels a bit like a family wagon, but so comfortable to drive! And I have AC which the car I’ve been driving didn’t have. The feeling of being in car with no AC hahhaaa…

The funniest thing happened this week too. Well, maybe not for Hunter. We were outside in the morning, me drinking my coffee, when a deer shows up behind the main house. Hunter is checking it out and all is good. Until the deer gets startled and skips across the lawn into the trees. Hunter got so scared he ran inside and pissed himself behind the toilet. Sorry, it’s not funny that he got scared, but thinking that he lived in the Mexican woods and encountered all kinds of stuff, I just assumed a deer would be a piece of cake for him! No worries though, he has recovered from his trauma…

Been playing pickelball a lot. It’s so much fun and I even looked at YouTube videos on how to serve, rules etc. It’s a great alternative to regular cardio…

There is a great farm out here that you can buy all natural meat from and went there shopping yesterday.

In the afternoon I hiked and checked out Donut Falls. It’s a very easy hike, but then you have to climb up to see the ‘donut’ hole where the waterfall comes through into a cave. So cool and I was sitting alone in the cave for a while listening to the waterfall… Can you spot me up on the cliffs? And how cute are the little chipmunks or whatever they are?

Tomorrow I’m off to Vegas to shoot with another girl that has been in the business for a long time too. It’s going to be the best way to start the week since we have planned a fun shoot! Other than that I’ll see what the week brings me. Watching the 5th season of Fargo and it’s soooo good! Can really recommend it. Catch ya’ next week 🙂

XXX Puma

Cars, Dinners & Hiking…

This week’s focus was on cars. Went to the dealership because I wanted to test drive a Range Rover. People usually say to stay away from them, but I’ve had 3 of them before. I had some time and walked around the lot and saw an Audi and a Tesla. The Audi was a more fun to drive than the Tesla. Long story short, the Tesla was locked in Valet Mode so I couldn’t test the sports mode on it which might explain why it felt boring. I decided that I’m going to go with the Audi. Wanted to do part cash and part financing. Big problem when you haven’t lived in the country for years and have no permanent address, utility bills, etc to prove that you actually live somewhere. They are trying to work around the issue and I’ll find out tomorrow so cross your fingers 🙂

The Tesla did have one feature I did like…

I really enjoy the Xcel gym. I had to check my booty in the mirror if I actually made some gains. But it looked pretty worthless like always hahahaaa….

On Thursday I went for another dinner with strangers. Very fun people and one girl is hopefully connecting me with some photographers in the area. Another girl gave me a suggestion on a plastic surgery place that specializes on eyes so I setup an appointment for tomorrow 🙂

Threw in some work too…

I wanted to do an overnight hike this weekend, but didn’t have time to plan it 😦 I did a great hike yesterday anyways. The nature here is amazing!

Last night we went for dinner & drinks. We all liked it so much I only managed to get a pic of one of the starters hahahaa… The table behind us was celebrating a birthday and the birthday cake was so cool that I sneakily took a pic of it… The place is called Urban Hill in downtown SLC if anyone is in the hood and hungry! We found a bar that has drag shows on one floor and a silent disco in the basement. I never tried silent disco, but I think I’d love it so will hopefully make it to this place another night 🙂

When I was outside grabbing a smoke I saw that the hills were on fire!

Hunter says hi to you all 🙂

I hope to sort the car out tomorrow. I’m borrowing a car now, but the AC doesn’t work and it gets a liiiiitle too hot here sometimes to not have it. I also found out that a friend from a long time ago is coming to Vegas next week. I hope to fly out and see her and shoot some content together 🙂 I also tried playing pickel ball for the first time this week and it was fun. Hopefully we play tonight! Eye consultation tomorrow and maybe another dinner with strangers… How about you?

I’ll leave you with this huge bug I found and me enjoying the morning sun. Wishing you a great upcoming week 🙂

XXX Puma

Beast, Waterfall, Dinners & Shrooms….

Feels like I have most of my stuff in order now. Kind of…. Moved in to my own casita on the property and have my suitcases open trying to figure out where to put what. Honestly I’m just too lazy to deal with it all at once (boring).

Had friends in town from SF and one of them bought the Cyber Beast. WOW, such a cool car! For example, it can put on a light show which was pretty awesome. I would just blast that off randomly at a parking lot at night. My friend Ari got dressed up for the occasion I guess…

One night we went out eating and took the Beast. It records video around the car while it’s parked and it was funny to see people fixing their hair and checking themselves out in the car windows reflection… Great dinner by the way too 🙂

On the topic of dinners, my ‘dinner-with-strangers’ on Wednesday was also great. We were 2 tables with 6 people on each and were able to combine the tables together, so I met 12 new interesting people. If you get a chance to go to one of these, go! It’s so much fun! My next dinner with strangers is next week on Thursday 🙂

I scored Instagram to find a photographer here in Salt Lake City area and finally found one. We scheduled the shoot and he texted in the morning that he was on the way. 15 min later I get a text that he has been in a car accident. Luckily nothing serious, but we he had to cancel. Luckily I’m pretty capable and managed to scrape some content together on my own 🙂

There are a bunch of plastic surgery clinics here. I need to (or want to at least) do an eyelid surgery. One of them is pretty droopy and I went to see a surgeon here. Decided I want to hear what at least one more clinic has to say even though this surgeon seems skilled (and expensive lol).

Been doing pretty good at the gym even though it’s hard to drag your a*s there when it feels like 150 degrees outside!

My favorite moment this week was going hiking yesterday! It’s amazing how many trails there are to choose from just a short drive away! I went to Bell Canyon and it was a great trail. The higher up you went, the more shaded it got and was perfect to soak your hands and feet in the ice cold water on the way. When it says there’s a waterfall, there actually is a proper one! Done too many hikes and chased too many waterfalls to just find a semi dried up fall with just some water trickling down so this was amazing!

I was pretty exhausted when I got back and luckily Hunter was supportive of the suggestion of a nap 🙂

Hunter is loving his new grounds here. He stays close but likes to do small excursions…

For some reason the water I give him is not to his liking. He prefers to drink the sprinkler water off the ground or where ever he might find it lol…

Almost forgot about another amazing thing that happened this week. A long time friend of mine put me in contact with one of her friends here who I told you is also a psychonaut. Well earlier this week we met up and let this picture show you how awesome she is!

She had made me a little welcome present. She is super cool and and we shared a lot of psychedelic stories and I can’t wait to hang out with her again 🙂

Next week I’m going to look at cars. Was going today and halfway it hit me that maybe they are not open on Sundays. Yup, closed on Sundays so went to REI instead to look at camping stuff. I hope to go on an overnight hike next weekend.

I hope you are doing great!

XXX Puma

1st week in Salt Lake City

Mostly been settling in here this past week. There’s a great gym Xcel Fitness that I joined. It’s two stories and has everything and more that you may or may not need in a gym 🙂

How was your 4th of July? Here it was a full house with BBQ and Indian food. I ate some spicy chicken and downed a quarter of a cheese and meat board so I woke up with cramps. That’s what you get when you can’t control yourself hahahhaaa…

I wake up early with Hunter and I enjoy sitting outside thinking about big things and contemplating life. The other morning this deer family walked by… Despite his name, Hunter, he didn’t make an attempt to go and catch dinner 😉

I finally got my hair fixed too. The worn out yellow-blonde with rat colored roots was in long need of some maintenance. I’m so happy with the results!

Taking some walks around the beautiful neighbourhood. I love passing the house with goats 🙂

Edited come content from my last shoot in Mexico…

Today we went to Park City for brunch and walking around….

And Hunter wants you to know he is also doing great 🙂

Next week I’m getting my own casita here. Visiting a plastic surgeon to maybe cut a bit on my droopy eyelids and meeting my friends from SF and a friend of a friend who also is a psychonaut 🙂 #matchmadebyshrooms. Also shooting, working out, and hopefully go on a hike in the mountains 🙂 And just signed up for a ‘dinner with strangers’ experience here in Salt Lake City – exciting!

And that’s a wrap for today 🙂 Wishing you a fabulous week coming up whether you’re working or on vacation!

XXX Puma


Puh, finally got a bit settled in in Utah. Last days in Mexico consisted of packing, seeing friends, selling and giving away the last furniture and other things. Also stored 5 boxes at a friends house of stuff I wasn’t ready to part with. So much for clearing out hahhaaa…

Squeezed in some more Botox in face too…

Some last minute shooting that needed to be done. I painted this skirt which I think is awesome! Might be a tad much to wear in public though or what do you think?

Only had left over clothing to wear the last days so my outfits were very fashionable and coordinated! Should’ve just worn the penis skirt hahhaaa….

Hit the gym cause hauling boxes takes some strength.

Had a class of lighting and how to adjust focal points and depth of field with various techniques. I’m going to miss Leo’s classes!

Barbacoa lunch with Angel and his bf and amazing sushi & sake with Milla.

The last minute packing was no joke. I had planned to bring 4 suitcases, but the day before I realized I needed a fifth suitcase. Hunter was as always involved and supervising hahhaaaa…

Julieta who is Hunter’s extra mom when I travel came by and said bye too 🙂

The day before my departure someone picked up the bed and I camped out on the floor like the queen that I am 😉

I got to say that I was pretty nervous about flying with Hunter. I had created scenarios in my head where he escapes and runs around at the airport or in the plane. But I should’ve known better. He was nervous, but behaved so good 🙂

I had read that cats can overheat and you can cool them down with a wet cloth. I had a wet t-shirt and I put on him when he was panting. He also wore a calming collar.

On the plane he stayed in his bag and at the airport he came out and walked around and wondered what’s next…

It was a long day and I’m so happy all went well! Yesterday and today we explored the grounds of our new crib…

Waiting on a French Press from Amazon so been popping by Alpha Coffee for my caffeine. They got such good coffee and a great place to work at too…

Was going to hit the gym today, but the weather was perfect for some outdoor exercise. Went to this beautiful park and ran around bit and threw in some push ups and jump squats too.

That’s what I managed so far. Can’t wait to go hiking. Got a 4th of July party happening this week and friends from San Francisco visiting… How about you? Got some vacation coming up or already on it?

Bye from me and Hunter 🙂

XXX Puma

Last Week in Mexico…

…coming up. My attempts to pack have been so-so. I have a few piles of likes, keeping, maybe keeping, give away… I realize that my ‘keeping’ pile has to be reduced by about 50%. Obviously these go into the definitely-going-to-Utah-pile…

Hunter is not much help in the decision making and we ended up taking a nap on the balcony 🙂

Visited Dr Jorge who injected my veins again. He got some cool gadgets and he let me look through his ‘headset’ where the skin pretty looks see-through.

Hunter also had an appointment with the vet for his last shots before flying 🙂

Hit the gym and trying to show my guns off…

Work, work, work….

Also prepped all week for my ‘going away’/Midsummer party that was this Friday. Great party, and the friends are one of the things I’ll miss the most here in Mexico…

The morning after feeling the aftermath of Mezcal shots and Carahillos hahahaaaa….

My favorite cafe here, Sonambulo, had their 3 year anniversary this weekend so I went by for coffee and chocolate cake 🙂

Last night was spent on the couch with a pizza and Hunter got his share of the ham on the pizza 🙂 Like could you say no to this face?

Now on a break from packing and had to evacuate the cafe because there was an earthquake alarm.

I pretty much sold all of the furniture. Got a lighting class this upcoming week and picking up Hunters paperwork for the flight too. Other than that it’s mostly packing and getting rid of the last stuff, hitting the gym, shooting, and hopefully next Sunday I will be writing to you from Utah 🙂

XXX Puma

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